Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In the beginning...

So after some minor melodrama and some major scrambling, we finally left Vancouver and started out on our journey last Sunday. It was a miserable, worst-case scenario kind of day, but we remained cheerful. And that bright yellow thing I'm wearing is a "safety sash". I don't want my Mom to worry. Plus, it makes me feel like a beauty queen!

We hit the road towards the Tsawassen ferries. Judging from these pictures, Matt was grumpy. And eating a lot of tuna.

After a full night's rest in Victoria (courtesy of our friend Kris) and an entire pizza each (it's amazing how much you can eat after biking 70 km), we began the next morning in better shape. We hopped on the very retro Coho ferry to Port Angeles and made our way to Washington state.

We spent the night camping in the Elwha river valley, which is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. The next day we even had a full day of sun, which meant that Matt finally had time to get some fishing in.

Matt's knee has been bugging him a bit, so we splurged last night and spent the night in a very seedy motel in the town of Forks. Forks, for anyone who isn't currently a fourteen year old girl or secretly reading fiction intended for fourteen year old girls, is the town where the book series 'Twilight' takes place. It is mega-touristy and hilarious.

We're off for now, and will update from the next seedy small town library we can find. Love!


  1. I love the photo of Matt fishing with a helmet on. Absolutely fabulous.

    This is the trip of a life time - I hope you guys are having a wonderful time.

  2. Did you shit your pants? Cause it's not a "miserable, worst case scenario" kind of day unless you shit yourself.
